Organisation website:
Economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR) embody essential elements for a life of dignity and freedom, including work, health, education, food, water, housing, social security, healthy environment, and culture. Human rights provide a common framework of universally-recognized values and norms, both to hold state and increasingly non-state actors accountable for violations and to mobilize collective efforts for economic justice, political participation, and equality. Around the world, activists and advocates are using the framework of ESCR to bolster their struggles for justice and against oppression. In framing poverty and deprivation as violations of economic, social, and cultural rights, an obligation is placed on the state and, increasingly, on corporations and other non-state actors, to prevent and remedy these situations. The ESCR framework helps transform the understanding of human suffering, even in cases initially prompted by natural disasters, as a product of human decision-making, not just as the natural outcome of an âact of godâ or the shortcomings of the individual. The ESCR framework puts the onus on those in power to justify or change policies and practices which undermine human rights. Using the ESCR framework, activists have brought legal cases before courts and dispute resolution bodies to demand change, documented and publicized recurring violations, petitioned various human rights enforcement mechanisms of the United Nations and Regional Systems, engaged with UN special rapporteurs, mobilized communities, developed alternative legislation, analyzed domestic budgets and international trade agreements to ensure respect of human rights, and have built solidarity and networks between communities locally and across the globe. ESCR unites women and men, migrants and indigenous people, youth and elders, of all races, religions, political orientations, and economic and social backgrounds in a common struggle for universal human freedom and dignity.
Women Gateway is a portal that was launched in 2002 as a joint project between Bahrain Businesswomen's Association and Al Nadeem Company for Information Technology. The portal receives special care and ongoing support from the Wife of His Majesty the King and the Chairwoman of the Supreme Council for Women, HRH Princess Sabika bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa. Women Gateway addresses Arab women and provides them with information and services they need to reinforce their contributions in developing their societies and performance in various occupations and businesses.
The Vision
To build an e-community that spreads information about Arab women and their contributions in developing our societies as well as provides them with information to help expanding their contributions through capabilities of the internet.
Way is a non- profit organization established in 2009, with a background in supporting Women and youth sectors through all capacity building necessities.
Le blog est utilisé par tous les membres du Groupe de recherche et d'études sur le genre au Maroc (GREGaM) qui est un réseau de jeunes chercheurs en sciences sociales (doctorants et postdoctorants) travaillant sur des thématiques relatives au genre et/ou aux femmes au Maroc. Créé en décembre 2006, ce groupe est rattaché à l'Association des jeunes chercheurs en sciences sociales et développement et domicilié au Centre marocain de sciences sociales (CM2S - Université Hassan II Ain Chock, Casablanca). Ce blog nous permet d'échanger des idées et des informations tout en nous ouvrant à toute autre personne intéressée par la question.
The Foundation considers education a crucial part of the development of human capital, Lebanon's number one resource. It believes that all people have the right to access education and knowledge.
Supporting public schools, universities and vocational institutes;
Strengthening the capacities of young people-empowering them to raise issues that concern them; and
Contributing to developing a vision for the education sector, linked to the job market.
The Social Institutions and Gender Index is an innovative measure of underlying discrimination against women for over 100 countries. While other indices measure gender inequalities in outcomes such as education and employment, the SIGI helps policy-makers and researchers understand what drives these outcomes. The SIGI captures and quantifies discriminatory social institutions - these include among others, early marriage, discriminatory inheritance practices, violence against women, son bias, restrictions on access to public space and restricted access to productive resources.
Project Webpage:
Overall, economic opportunities for women still lag those of men. Women, on average, earn 75 percent of their male co-workers' wages, and the difference cannot be explained solely by schooling or experience. In many countries, women have fewer educational and employment opportunities than men, are more often denied credit, and endure social restrictions that limit their chances for advancement. In some developing countries women still cannot vote, own property or venture outside the home without a male family member. A wide range of metrics have been developed to gauge the opportunity and treatment afforded women around the world.
Webpage: BPW-A is a dynamic business association of dedicated female professionals in Jordan.
BPW-A works to increase women's economic participation in Jordan by:
Harnessing the underutilized economic and social capabilities of Jordanian women by utilizing the experience of its accomplished members, its resources and its networks.
Providing effective services in response to the needs of its members, female professionals and business owners.
BPW-A's focus is to identify and communicate the productive, independent role of women in Arab and Islamic society. BPWA provides a platform for its members and aspiring women to encourage and facilitate change and create a proactive societal role.
Organisation website:
AIPBW is a nonâprofit international network that unites, supports and promotes professional women in Norway. It was chartered in 1994 by a group of women with international backgrounds living in Oslo, Norway. In its second decade, AIPBW has approximately 125 members from more than 30 different countries.
Members are wellâeducated women representing many different professions. These include fields as diverse as communications, education, engineering, environmental sciences, finance, journalism, law, linguistics, marketing, medicine, psychology and the arts.
Our group is one of 18 networks across Europe comprising the European Professional Women's Network, a PanâEuropean professional organization with more than 3,000 members devoted to women's career development, entrepreneurship, networking and mentoring.