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Muntada - The Arab Forum for Sexuality, Education and Health - is a national organization committed to the social development of Palestinian society, by addressing educational and counseling needs as they relate to sexuality and reproductive health. Regarded locally as a major professional and intellectual nexus in the field of human sexuality, Muntada is also dynamically building connections with Arab and international networks in this field that share the principles of universal human rights and sustainable development.


Organisation website:
The Arab Families Working Group (AFWG) is a collective of sixteen scholars from universities, NGOs and research foundations whose work focuses on youth and families in Palestine, Lebanon and Egypt and their diasporas. Founded in 2001, AFWG is committed to advancing the state of empirical and theoretical knowledge on Arab families and articulating research processes and outcomes with practitioners and policy makers. AFWG projects include comparative, transnational, interdisciplinary, and collaborative work on the three countries and diasporic Arab families in the United States and Canada.


Association Nationale des Algériennes Managers et Entrepreneurs
AME est un rassemblement de femmes qui ont:
La responsabilité de diriger.
Le pouvoir de décider.
La volonté de développer, entre elles et autour d'elles des synergies permettant d'augmenter l'efficacité de leurs actions.
Contribuer à l'aide au développement en milieu économique pour favoriser l'intégration de la femme au marché du travail.
AME rassemble des adhérentes dirigeantes de sociétés, Sarl , Spa, Snc ou Eurl, à l'échelle nationale chacune excellant dans son domaine, avec des compétences complémentaires et une particularité qui les différencie les unes des autres.


LLWB is a scientific and cultural organization that aims to bring together professional women by providing them with a forum in which they can exchange experiences and expertise, discuss common challenges and issues, provide specialized training, facilitate the exchange of information, network and promote the potential of women in the world of business.


The OECD Gender Data Portal includes selected indicators shedding light on gender inequalities in education, employment and entrepreneurship. While much progress has been accomplished in recent years, there are still relevant dimensions of gender inequalities that are poorly monitored and measured. The Portal is thus a work in progress, that aims at progressively filling these gaps through new indicators. The data cover OECD member countries, as well as Russia, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, and South Africa.


Organisation website:
Development Gateway is a non-profit organization that delivers information solutions to the people on the front lines of international development work. Whether they are government policy makers deciding how to invest scarce resources, aid workers building schools and clinics, or citizens who want to have a voice in the development process, Development Gateway offers tools and advisory services that empower them to be more effective. We work behind the scenes to enable others to make a difference.
Development Gateway empowers development workers, governments, and citizens with the information they need to build a better world. We believe that transparent, relevant information empowers people to collaborate effectively and invest resources wisely for a healthier, more prosperous future.
Our information technology tools and practical ideas put information in the hands of the right people at the right time. Through a combination of global services and custom solutions, we make development information easier to gather, access, use, and understand.
We host global information platforms that provide access to critical development knowledge, data and resources. We implement aid information management systems that allow governments to make more informed decisions. We geocode aid projects to create virtual feedback loops between donors and other stakeholders. Finally, we provide training, workshops, and process analysis to strengthen our partners' capacity to manage their own information.


Way is a non- profit organization established in 2009, with a background in supporting Women and youth sectors through all capacity building necessities.


Le blog est utilisé par tous les membres du Groupe de recherche et d'études sur le genre au Maroc (GREGaM) qui est un réseau de jeunes chercheurs en sciences sociales (doctorants et postdoctorants) travaillant sur des thématiques relatives au genre et/ou aux femmes au Maroc. Créé en décembre 2006, ce groupe est rattaché à l'Association des jeunes chercheurs en sciences sociales et développement et domicilié au Centre marocain de sciences sociales (CM2S - Université Hassan II Ain Chock, Casablanca). Ce blog nous permet d'échanger des idées et des informations tout en nous ouvrant à toute autre personne intéressée par la question.


Organisation website:
Economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR) embody essential elements for a life of dignity and freedom, including work, health, education, food, water, housing, social security, healthy environment, and culture. Human rights provide a common framework of universally-recognized values and norms, both to hold state and increasingly non-state actors accountable for violations and to mobilize collective efforts for economic justice, political participation, and equality. Around the world, activists and advocates are using the framework of ESCR to bolster their struggles for justice and against oppression. In framing poverty and deprivation as violations of economic, social, and cultural rights, an obligation is placed on the state and, increasingly, on corporations and other non-state actors, to prevent and remedy these situations. The ESCR framework helps transform the understanding of human suffering, even in cases initially prompted by natural disasters, as a product of human decision-making, not just as the natural outcome of an “act of god” or the shortcomings of the individual. The ESCR framework puts the onus on those in power to justify or change policies and practices which undermine human rights. Using the ESCR framework, activists have brought legal cases before courts and dispute resolution bodies to demand change, documented and publicized recurring violations, petitioned various human rights enforcement mechanisms of the United Nations and Regional Systems, engaged with UN special rapporteurs, mobilized communities, developed alternative legislation, analyzed domestic budgets and international trade agreements to ensure respect of human rights, and have built solidarity and networks between communities locally and across the globe. ESCR unites women and men, migrants and indigenous people, youth and elders, of all races, religions, political orientations, and economic and social backgrounds in a common struggle for universal human freedom and dignity.

Women Gateway (Websites)

Women Gateway is a portal that was launched in 2002 as a joint project between Bahrain Businesswomen's Association and Al Nadeem Company for Information Technology. The portal receives special care and ongoing support from the Wife of His Majesty the King and the Chairwoman of the Supreme Council for Women, HRH Princess Sabika bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa. Women Gateway addresses Arab women and provides them with information and services they need to reinforce their contributions in developing their societies and performance in various occupations and businesses.

The Vision
To build an e-community that spreads information about Arab women and their contributions in developing our societies as well as provides them with information to help expanding their contributions through capabilities of the internet.



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Sunday, May 15, 2016
Justice Without Frontiers
Friday, October 9, 2015
Collective for Research and Training on Development - Action (CRTD.A)
Monday, August 31, 2015
KAFA (enough) Violence & Exploitation

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