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Organisation website:
The mission of the International Museum of Women (I.M.O.W.) is to value the lives of women around the world.
I.M.O.W. is a groundbreaking social change museum that inspires global action, connects people across borders and transforms hearts and minds by amplifying the voices of women worldwide through global online exhibitions, history, the arts and cultural programs that educate, create dialogue and build community. With its unique focus on cultural change, I.M.O.W. advances the human right to gender equity worldwide.


Organisation website: Gender & Development is the only journal published to focus specifically on international gender and development issues, and to explore the connections between gender and development initiatives, and feminist perspectives.


Project webpage:
The Arab Human Rights Index – referred to as AHR - chronicles the Arab countries' progress in human rights. It offers concise information about their ratification, reservations, and reports to the international human rights committees, in a one stop access in Arabic, English and French.

Most of the reports, already available at the website of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) are organized on AHR in ways that enable quick comparative analysis. They are organized by country, by core treaty, by human rights committee reports, and by types of available resources (such as country reporting history and shadow reports).


Organisation website:
Association profile with an overview on services. In brief : "The Lebanese Association for development - Al Majmoua Is an Independent, Non Profit Lebanese Non Governmental Organization.
Started as a micro-credit program by save the children in 1994; Al Majmoua registered under the Lebanese ministry of interior in August 1997 and became fully autonomous on the 1st of january 1998."


Organisation website:
Wider Opportunities for Women (WOW) works nationally and in its home community of Washington, DC to build pathways to economic independence for America's families, women, and girls. WOW has a distinctive history in changing the landscape of women and work.

For more than 40 years, WOW has helped women learn to earn, with programs emphasizing literacy, technical and nontraditional skills, the welfare-to-work transition, career development, and retirement security. Since 1964, WOW has trained more than 10,000 women for well-paid work in the DC area.

WOW leads the National Women's Workforce Network, which is comprised of organizations committed to increasing women and girls' access to well-paid work, the Family Economic Security Program (FES), and the Elder Economic Security Initiative (Initiative).


Organisation website:
تكون شبكة النسويات الشابات بمثابة شبكة إقليمية للناشطات الشابات المنفردات (١٨ سنة وحتى أوائل ٣٠) العاملات في المجتمعات العربية. وستوفر الأدوات والمهارات والمعارف التنظيمية اللازمة للناشطات الشابات للتجمع وحشد جهودهن بفاعلية أكثر لمعالجة القضايا المتعلقة بحقوق المرأة التى تعتبرنها مهمة بالنسبة إليهن.

وقد أدركنا أننا كناشطات شابات نعمل على القضايا المتعلقة بحقوق المرأة في المنطقة، نحتاج إلى أربعة أمور أساسية ألا وهي:

المساحة لاستيعاب وتعزيز الأفكار والنشاطات


المساحة لبناء الروابط

المساحة المتقدمة والشاملة والآمنة

وعليه، تسعى شبكتنا إلى تحقيق الأهداف التالية:

إنشاء مجموعة من الناشطات من شأنها خرق عزلة الناشطات الشابات وتوفير مساحة للعمل على مختلف قضايا المرأة.
توفير المعلومات والمعارف حول النسوية والتحليل النقدي لحركة حقوق المرأة في المجتمعات العربية.
أن نشكل منصة متقدمة لمناقشة كافة المواضيع الرائجة والمحرمة التي تؤثر على حقوق المرأة في المجتمعات العربية.
توسيع الخطاب حول حقوق المرأة في المجتمعات العربية كي يكون أكثر شمولا وتقدما وسياسيا.
We are a group of young Arab women activists building a collective network of support for young Arab activists in the region. We recognize that Arab young women face particular challenges and experiences of sexism. We also recognize the fragmentation and elitism of women's rights work in Arab societies. The group of us believes that an organized support network uniting young women activists working on an array of issues concerning women rights and coming from various perspectives and backgrounds is the perfect way to push women's rights organizing forward in the region.


Organisation Website : portail en langue francaise. En bref "L'AEP est une association à but non lucratif, oeuvrant pour le développement socio-économique dans le domaine de la micro finance.
En pleine guerre, dans la tourmente et la débâcle, alors que beaucoup de Libanais baissaient les bras, ces hommes et ces femmes ont été parmi ceux qui ont cru, espéré, osé.
Au lieu de recourir à la mendicité, occasionnelle ou régulière, voire aux armes, ils ont préféré prendre leurs responsabilités par leur travail."



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