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More promises and suggestions to deal with the apple glut


The minister of agriculture, Ghazi Zeaiter met yesterday with a committee consisting of the Directorate of Agricultural Resources and the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument of the European Commission (TAIEX) to find ways to handle the disposal of apple production. Earlier, TAIEX, at the request of the ministry of agriculture, had set a program for meetings with concerned parties in this sector. Zeaiter discussed with the above committee a number of recommendations to this end, notably: investment in infrastructure of rural and local development projects (centers for packaging, and apple processing factories); review of the standard specifications for the apple sector; reconsidering the KAFALAT system; reactivation of microcredit program; setting-up apple processing plants for second rate or uncategorized apple products (apple juice, apple chips…) as a solution to compensate economic losses… (for full list of recommendations, ( On the current marketing and disposal of production impasse, the head of the Syndicate of Exporters of Fruits and Vegetables in Lebanon, Naim Khalil, after meeting minister Zeaiter, revealed efforts to restore exporting of apples to the UAE, demanding stepping up payment of the remaining compensation installment. In the same vein, the Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Bishara Rai’ received last week a delegation from the Committee of Apple Growers in Bcharri, accompanied by the town’s Lebanese Forces Coordinator, mukhtar Fadi Chidyak. Rai’ voiced his support to farmers disclosing contacts on his part with local and international parties to resolve the problem. (Al Mustaqbal, Al Diyar, September 13, 14, 2017)

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